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Faculty Recruitment Initiatives


March 18, 2019


COM Faculty Affairs Office 由负责教务和教职员发展的高级副院长支持, faculty appointment specialist and administrative assistant. 在Upstate OD的协助下,教员事务集中监督教员的招聘和保留工作&I, SUNY ODE&I, and department chairs.


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Departmental Diversity Advocates

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description:最近由教师事务和教师发展办公室领导的另一项努力是在2020年为部门多样性倡导者建立正式的会议结构. Each department has an appointed diversity advocate, 谁负责监督系里招聘和留住多元化教师的工作. 这些倡导者是院长多样性和包容性委员会的成员, and now meet quarterly as a separate group. At these quarterly meetings, 倡导者提供他们部门项目的最新情况,并在新的项目努力上进行合作.

Department Chair Diversity Plans and Reports

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description:系主任负责监督其教员之间增加多样性和包容性的努力,并必须提交年度部门多样性教员 & Inclusion Report to the Dean’s office. 在2019- 2020年,所有系主任都被要求在其部门内确定一名多元化倡导者. 这些代表负责监督部门的多元化和包容性工作, practices, 和指标,以增加医学院确定的多样性类别的招聘和保留.

Diversity Dashboard

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description:医学院在2018-19学年开始使用多样性仪表板,以直观地显示系主任年度部门多样性教师的结果 & Inclusion Reports. 从2020-21年开始,这个仪表板的数据收集将更有效、更准确,因为所有教员候选人都必须通过一个名为PageUp的新的集中人力资源程序进行申请. 结果由院长多元化和包容性咨询委员会审查, and the Dean’s Executive Committee. 当院长会见个别系主任和他们的教员时,他们也提供内部基准信息.

Graduate Medical Education Recruitment

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description研究生医学教育办公室调查了所有住院医师和研究员项目,以确定项目中正在进行的招聘工作,以支持招聘不同群体的住院医师和研究员, and in turn recruit a more diverse faculty, and has encouraged departments to advance efforts in this area. Some programs including Obstetrics & Gynecology, Psychiatry, Child Abuse Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, and Anesthesiology have specific curricula to address diversity and inclusion. 一些院系多元化的倡导者在研究生医学教育课程开发中发挥了积极的作用. 其他项目通过实例解决这方面的问题,项目成员是多样化和包容性的. One example of a departmental effort comes from the Department of Psychiatry. In the 2019-20 academic year, 该部门的一个主要重点是招募代表性不足的少数民族(URM)住院医生, especially African Americans/Black and Hispanics, for the training program. This focus included the following

  • Developing a diversity statement for the department and training program
  • 向拥有大量URM的传统黑人学院和大学(HBCU)的医学院伸出援手, including Howard University, Meharry Medical College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Charles Drew Medical University, and CUNY School of Medicine
  • Working to build a mutually beneficial relationship with these schools

For the 2020 match, 两名被认定为黑人/非裔美国人的申请人与北州精神病学住院医师相匹配. By increasing the number of residents from our identified diversity categories, we hope that many will choose to stay at Upstate and join our faculty.

Office of Diversity and Inclusion (OD&I)

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description: OD&I和人力资源部协同工作,为招聘经理提供多元化的招聘选择,以增加申请人群体的多样性. A representative of Upstate’s OD&我可以在搜索过程的开始与所有招聘部门会面,以协助外联工作. 通过搜索过程的文件来监测就业建议. 这一过程确保所有合格的申请人和员工获得平等的招聘机会, selection, advancement, and any other term and privilege associated with employment.

SUNY Faculty Diversity Program (PRODiG)

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description: The SUNY PRODiG (Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, “包容与成长”计划旨在协助校园招聘, retention, and promotion of outstanding scholars from different backgrounds, 包括来自历史上在高等教育中代表性不足的群体的个人. Under this highly competitive program, 公立大学为了招收成绩优异的优秀学者,会竞相提供薪资支持和创业补助. PRODiG向公立学校提供三年教师工资的一定比例. Upstate在2019- 2020学年获得了资助,但在该学年没有及时通知招聘教师. Upstate plans to apply for the 2020-21 award cycle. Salary support is allocated to the campuses as follows, for a maximum of up to $145,000 per faculty member.

  • 2019-2020 - 80% of negotiated salary up to $80,000
  • 2020-2021 - 75% of negotiated salary up to $50,000
  • 2021-2022 - 25% of negotiated salary up to $15,000

Campuses are also eligible to receive up to $15,为根据该计划任命的教员制定有竞争力的启动计划.

Upstate Unconscious Bias Training for all Search Committees

Targeted diversity categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Female

Description: From 2014 to 2019, the College of Medicine Corps of Diversity Allies, 一个基层组织,在现有的教师会议上促进对无意识偏见的讨论, presented short workshops at 17 departmental faculty meetings, to approximately 200 COM faculty, residents and department chairs. 目标是改进征聘程序,确保其公平和包容. 现在,所有的教师遴选委员会在第一次会议上都要与多元化与包容办公室(Office of Diversity and Inclusion, ODI)的一名代表会面,以审查无意识的偏见,并审查招聘多样化候选人的资源. 此外,本署亦向查册委员会提供以下资料,并鼓励他们参与: 无意识偏见的科学以及如何在招聘过程中解决它.
